Monday, April 8, 2024

Designed for Forward-Thinking HR Leaders Revolutionizing Strategy in Oil and Energy

11:30 am Check In & Networking

12:00 pm CHRO Panel: How the CHROs are Tackling the Energy Transition


  • Hear from the CHROs of HF Sinclair, Coterra and MAN Energy Solutions about their opinions on the reality of the future of HR in Oil and Energy 
  • Learn their strategies for forecasting their future, and the changes they are making as a consequence!

1:00 pm Speed Networking Break

1:50 pm Discover: Revolutionizing Workforce Planning to Identify ‘Upskilling’ Candidates, Necessary for the Energy Transition


  • How can we differentiate high potential employees and put them on the correct road map to success?
  • Scrap overcomplicated, traditional 9-box workforce planning methods and implement a more decisive 4 box system
  • How Enlink Midstream implemented a 4-box workforce planning method that has enabled them to increase accuracy when identifying high potential employees and their maximum potential roles

2:10 pm Develop: How Else Can We Plan For the Future of The Energy Transition?


Q&A Session Facilitated by the Chair

2:20 pm Action: How Are You Going To Plan For The Energy Transition?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

2:40 pm Speed Learning Session

Table 1: Crafting a High School Talent Pipeline Strategy

  • Cindy Griffin VP, HR & Corporate Services, Harvestone Low Carbon Partners

Table 2: Leveraging the power of AI – How do we lead our organizations to develop a learning mindset?

  • Misty Farr VP Human Resources, Jetta Operating Company

Table 3: The Value and Effectiveness of Employee Engagement Surveys

  • Wayne Finger Vice President for Human Resources, Saulsbury Industries

3:40 pm Chairs Closing Remarks